Work-Life Balance

Managing Work-Life Balance in 2024

Finding a work-life balance in the fast-paced world of 2024 remains an ongoing challenge for many of us. You might be finding it difficult to carve out quality time with family and friends, or those extra gym sessions have been few and far between. Fortunately, our Health Improvement Practitioner, Claire Bidois, is here to provide you with her top tips for managing work-life balance through boosting your mental health and preventing burnout.

Understanding why it is important to maintain a work-life balance

Sarah, a dedicated Salesperson, was no stranger to the struggles of work-life balance. Sarah’s recent promotion at work has meant that she has had to do extra hours at work to stay on top of her tasks.

“I was so excited when I received this promotion! However, I didn’t expect it to affect my social life and health so much. Not being able to work out or catch up with friends has started to take a toll on me, as I really value my health and friendships.”

Sarah’s case is not unusual. It can be so easy to get caught up with our careers that we forget to prioritise the things we value in our lives. That’s not to say that our careers aren’t important. However, it’s imperative that we take time for our hobbies and relationships outside of work.

Maintaining a work-life balance offers a range of advantages, each contributing to a specific area of your wellness. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing our physical and mental health. By giving ourselves time for self-care, relaxing, unwinding, and focusing on our hobbies outside of work, we can boost our happiness in our personal lives as well as improve our performance at the workplace.

Striking the right balance between work and our personal life allows us to prevent burnout that can be caused by long hours and chronic stress. Furthermore, it means we can come into the workplace refreshed and rejuvenated. Therefore fostering a more productive and innovative work environment. Recent studies have even shown that this leads to higher job satisfaction in the long run.

Key strategies for finding work-life balance

Work-life balance looks different for everyone. We all have different hobbies and values that dictate what we like to do in our spare time. However, if you are struggling with your mental health, then you can try these methods to maintain a work-life balance;

  • Exercise
    • Going to the gym is always a good start. We also recommend that you try to workout outside, as studies have shown that being in nature improves our mood and overall mental health.
  • Social connection
    • Meet up with friends or hang out with family. It’s so important to make plans with your friends and family, even if it’s a while away, but more on that later.
  • Limit Gaming & Social Media
    • We understand this can be a hard one, as may be a hobby for some people. There is definitely a time and place for unwinding by scrolling social media or gaming. However, as fun as these can be, it is important that when we aren’t at work, we don’t spend all of our time at home scrolling social media or gaming.
  • Try learning something new
    • It’s ingrained in us as humans to get a kick out of learning a new activity or picking up a new hobby. It’s so valuable to our mental health to expand our minds by learning something new.
  • Sleep
    • Sleep is an incredibly important factor in mental wellbeing. Adults generally need around 7-8 hours of sleep to feel rested. If you’re a teenager, then aim for 9-10 hours.
Maintain Work-Life Balance

Potential obstacles and how to maintain long-term balance

Give Yourself Something to Look Forward to by Making Plans:

Make plans to look forward to. It’s essential to have something on the horizon to anticipate. Don’t wait; give yourself something to look forward to this weekend.

Whether it’s to hang out with friends, plan a day trip, a hike, or, best of all, to plan a holiday. It could be a week away in another country, or simply taking an extra day or two off during the upcoming long weekend; it’s vital to schedule some time away for relaxation and anticipation. Ensure you’re planning activities and holidays, as it’s nice to look forward to having something on.

Learn to Say No:

This doesn’t mean you have to say ‘no’ to everything. However, it’s important to prioritise yourself and avoid overcommitting. While it may seem like a good idea at the time, saying yes to too many activities can leave you with no time to unwind or pursue your hobbies.

The key is not to overextend yourself. Avoid signing up for or getting involved in too many things. It’s crucial to say ‘no’ occasionally to allow for downtime and relaxation. Maintaining a healthy life balance is essential. Decent downtime on a Sunday afternoon, for example, can be a good way to unwind. Furthermore, self-care is essential. Self-care doesn’t always involve running a bath and relaxing (although that’s not a bad option); sometimes, it can be as simple as sitting at home, watching TV, or relaxing with a good book.

No Screentime:

When hanging out with friends, you could try a no-phones policy.

To truly unwind and be fully present when spending time with friends and family, implement a “no phones policy.” This allows everyone to genuinely connect and live in the moment instead of getting caught up in the virtual world of social media.

Talk to a Health Improvement Practitioner

At Botany Junction Medical, we are so fortunate to have health coaches and health improvement practitioners available who are able to support you with the struggles you may have. Contact our team now to find out more.

As we navigate the complexities of work and life in 2024, the importance of balance can’t be overstated. It’s the key to maintaining our physical and mental health, as well as preventing burnout and sustaining your professional relationships. By prioritising yourself, managing your time wisely, and making plans to look forward to, you pave the way for a more balanced and fulfilling life, both at work and at home